Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Squat Challenge Update

Confession: I have a hard time sticking with work out plans.

Because of this, I decided to start with something small, such as this squat challenge I referred to in the last post. I am notorious for starting some plan and then dropping it but I am hoping to begin with this challenge and put that terrible habit to rest.

Today was day three of the challenge and I hate to even admit this...but, I am a little sore. Pathetic, right? My hamstrings are super tight and it hurt to even stretch out but I did and they are feeling a little better.
I was going to run tonight but instead I knew if I told my mom I was going to do interval runs, she would join me. It was a way for us to get active together and I know that helps us both.

Brandon is out on a job and is also doing an awesome job at sticking with the squat challenge. I had no doubts about that because he is a lot better at working out than I am. I actually just made him a new schedule with the dates since the one provided on the link in my previous post just said day one, day two, etc. This way he can keep up with it without wondering what he did yesterday or what day he is on.
I am going to search for more challenges like this so maybe we can continue doing this sort of thing together. It really is a lot more fun to work out with a friend, significant other, sibling, even a pet! We love taking our 11 month old lab on walks with us. We have even attempted running with him. It was an epic fail because he has such a competitive nature about him. He ALWAYS has to be first which means he speeds up a lot more when you start to run. Luckily, Brandon holds the leash most of the time. :)

Our baby - Burton
That duck was destroyed within 4 hours..or less.

At one point we (me and B) talked about doing the Beachbody Ultimate Reset together. I think that is still something I want to do but for now I am working on small goals. He has done the Advocare 24 day challenge but I just don't know if I like the way the program is set up. He took a TON of pills and I never could find anything that came with the challenge that said what was in the pills. I also tried one of his Spark drinks, which is an energy boosting type of drink, and didn't feel a thing. Maybe it is just me because there are people out there who swear by that stuff. Brandon did get results from this challenge and I never heard him complain about any of it. I am just a third party observer and have not attempted the challenge myself. But for those of you out there who want to look into this challenge, I know a couple bloggers who can give you much better advice than I. Check out Mama Laughlin and Skinny Meg. These ladies are hilarious and have amazing stories. They have each done at least one Advocare challenge.
The Reset might be a good way to start the new year! Almost a kick start (or kick in the butt) after all of the holiday festivities. But me and B will work out when we want to do that together. I want it to work with his schedule since his work schedule is so odd. Mine is much more flexible!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Squat Challenge & Marinara Sauce Recipe

So I found this squat challenge on Pinterest about a week ago and me and Brandon are going to start it today!

Me & B rocking our llama hats

He is away for work a lot and this is something fun we can do together from a far and it is always nice to have that accountability partner. I joked that we will have to compare our buns of steel at the end to see who got more out of the challenge. His will probably be better :/ but that's okay. I'll just have to do the challenge a second time to catch up! 

I'm hoping I can still walk after this awesome challenge. It is a  four week time line with a rest day every fourth day. It has a variation of 5 different squats to work different muscles. I also plan to run every other day this coming week. I may have to take it slow but something is better than nothing right?

As for the marinara sauce, you will never want to buy a jar of sauce again.  I found this recipe through a court reporting friend who introduced me to the Karma Chow website.


1 red onion, diced
1 c. shitake mushrooms, sliced thinly (I have tried to force myself to like mushrooms but I can't do it, so I leave these out)
4 cloves garlic, minced (I always use quite a bit more than this. I can't get enough)
2 tsp. oregano
1 tsp. thyme
1 TBL Tamari (This is a gluten free soy sauce - I am assuming regular soy sauce would work but I had this on hand so I normally use it)
1 TBL balsamic vinegar
 Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/2 can tomato paste
2 - 28 oz cans fire roasted crushed tomatoes (In my small town store I can never find the fire roasted, so I just use plain crushed tomatoes)
Salt & pepper to taste
2 tsp. Agave Nectar
2 TBL fresh basil, chopped (I have to use dried most of the time because of the small town store)

Before I ever add in the tamari, agave, and balsamic, I like to use the immersion blender to make sure my sauce it completely smooth. I don't like chunky sauces so this is my way around that. 

After adding in the tamari, agave, and balsamic, I added in some meat. I prefer to use ground turkey. If you do choose to use turkey you will need to season it. It is very bland. I just use an Italian seasoning which seems to do the trick. I would taste it though because it needs more than you would think. 

I hope you all enjoy this marinara sauce as much as I do! 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Honey Almond Scones

So my mother made these amazing scones on Sunday and they were so amazing I had to take them to work this morning so I would not eat them all! She took a recipe from a Betty Crocker cookbook and modified it. This is her modified version of her Honey Almond Scones.


2 ½ c. all purpose flour
2 T. sugar
4 t. baking powder
¼ t. salt
½ c. butter (cut into pieces)
2 beaten eggs
¾ c. whipping cream

400 degrees for 12 minutes – makes 8 large scones

In a medium bowl combine flour, sugar, baking powder and salt.  Using a pastry blender, cut in butter until mixture resembles course crumbs.  Make a well in center of flour mixture and set aside.
In a medium bowl combine eggs and whipping cream.  Add egg mixture, all at once, to flour mixture.  Using a fork, stir just until moistened.
Turn dough onto a lightly floured surface.  Knead dough by folding and gently pressing dough for 10 to 12 strokes or until dough is nearly smooth.  (I sometimes have to add extra flour to get dough to the point that it is not too sticky to roll out!)  Pat or lightly roll dough into an 8-inch circle.  Cut into 8 wedges. ( This makes large scones – if I want smaller ones I roll dough out into two smaller circles and cut into 8 wedges or after they are glazed I cut each of the eight pieces in half lengthwise.)
Place wedges 1 inch apart on an ungreased baking sheet.  Bake in a 400 degree oven for 12 to 14 minutes or until golden.  Remove scones from baking sheet.
I make a glaze using butter, milk, roasted almonds and honey (to taste) and glaze each scone.
Best when served warm.

(This is a basic scone recipe that I modify to whatever flavor I want.  You can add ½ c dried cranberries, currants, or raisins, etc. – I have even added fresh strawberries cut up very small.  Instead of glaze you can also brush with milk and sprinkle with sugar for an option that is not quite as sweet).  

Honey Almond Scones

Monday, July 15, 2013

The Best Tortilla Soup. Ever.

For starters, to make this delicious soup I had to run to the store FOUR times. Yes, you read that right. I still have vacation brain I guess. After work {I only work part time at this point}, I took a little nap or a horizontal life pause as I like to call them.

After my awesome nap, I ran to pick something up for my mother and then headed to the store. 
I hate Walmart. I cannot get in and out without seeing at least two people that I know. Never fails. 
So I start out at HEB. I have my list {I do not go to the store without a list} and the store is ridiculously crowded. I live in Oil Field Country and our small little West Texas town just can't keep up with the growth that is hitting us. So I am overwhelmed with the amount of people shuffling around me and I am on a mission to get in and out. And then while in the produce section, I run into someone I know. Of course! I love her to death so it was okay to chat and see her but it threw me off  and I left without my onion. Boo.
So I didn't want to go back into HEB...my only other choice was the dreadful Walmart! Get there and get my onion and some peaches that looked so amazing and then head home. 

Once I am home I start to set out all of my ingredients because that is just the way I like to cook. Get it all out so I am not searching for it while in the middle of cooking. 
Now as I set everything out, I realize I didn't just forget an onion.. I forgot the best part of the soup. The zucchini. :( 

At this point I am already craving this soup so bad there is not turning back, so off I go into the world of crazy people running around the store. 
I go to HEB first and, of course, no zucchini. But I saw some delicious looking bananas and well.. I bought them! 
At Walmart I got away with my three zucchini! There were only 5 left in the entire store. I just got lucky that time! 

Now for the best tortilla soup you will ever make. 

First thing, fill your wine glass.

Also from my vacation. Local winery in Salida, Colorado. Delicious wine!


1 T butter
1 t olive oil
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 medium onion, chopped
4 boneless skinless chicken breasts, cubed
3 limes, juiced
2 cans chicken broth
1 can tomato soup 
2 cans diced tomatoes
1 can Rotel tomatoes
Salt and pepper, to taste
1 t cumin
1 t chili powder
1 t tabasco
2-3 zucchini, diced


Cheese, we prefer the mexican blend
Avocado slices

Saute onion, garlic, and chicken in butter and olive oil until chicken is cooked through.

 Add the remaining ingredients and simmer for about an hour.

This is how I assemble my bowl - I ladle in my soup and top it with the chips, avocado, and cheese. 
Stir it up and ENJOY!

I hope you love the soup. This is what I would consider a staple in our house. Overall, it isn't an unhealthy dish but it sure is hard to stop eating! I have to tell myself "Moderation is key" when eating this awesome soup! 

I have to show off my new favorite kitchen gadget I got from my all time favorite kitchen store. The store is called The Mixing Bowl and it is located in Salida, Colorado. A beautiful place to go if you are looking for a place for family vacation! 
I hate peeling garlic. But I love love love garlic. I mean I am surprised I don't eat it whole, alone. This bad boy gadget makes me love peeling the garlic! 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Homework & Pesky Birds

So for those who don't know me, I was in court reporting school up until just recently. I loved it! It was something I honestly never got tired of. But because of my back, I could not physically do the job once I graduated. I was typing at about 120 words per minute on a stenograph machine and the longer my takes (recorded material you type from) the more pain I would feel. To graduate from school, you have to type 225 words per minute. I had a ways to go obviously, but I just had to face reality and stop throwing money { a LOT of money} into a degree I would never be able to use. I still have a hard time with this.
But here I am now! I am finishing up my last class to have my Associates degree and I have no idea where I am going from here. 
I am taking English 1302. It is a summer course so it is a lot of work condensed into one month. When I say a lot of work I mean I am doing an in depth discussion question and a quiz every day plus my first essay paper. All in one week. 
Because I did not have traditional college courses in CR school, I feel like I forgot everything I ever knew about English. Analytical essays, point of view, style, blah, blah, blah. I am already sick of it because, let's be honest, I will never ever use this crap. Teach me some grammar. Teach me punctuation. Give me something I am going to use. I will never read a book and care what the style of it was after college. I will never wonder what point of view the author used. I will enjoy the book and not take it apart word for word.
I keep telling myself that it is just one month. Work hard for one month and make a good grade and you will be done. Deep breaths!
Then I can stress about what to do next. I will get a Bachelors. I just don't know what it will be in. 

So my herbs I have been attempting to grow on my back patio are now bird snacks. Those little birds think I am growing these herbs for their eating pleasure. I am not. I am just annoyed that they won't stop eating them. 
I found a cool project I may try at some point that will keep those pesky animals away from my herbs. Hopefully I won't fail miserably with the project! As much as I would love to do it now, I have school, my brother's wedding, work, and the gym. Maybe after my brother's wedding and our family vacation, I will get on it! 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Dinner, Hair Mask, Aussie

I got adventurous while I was home alone tonight and made a new dish! I had some lentils in my cabinet and I had been wanting to try them for a while. So I took the recipe off the back of the lentils package and went to work!
Lentil and Brown Rice Casserole
2 tbsp olive oil
1 onion, diced
2 cups cooked lentils
2 cups cooked brown rice
2 cups plain yogurt
½ tsp each oregano, ground cumin, salt, garlic pepper, and cayenne pepper
1 cup grated cheddar cheese

In a skillet heat oil and sauté onions. Add all remaining ingredients except the cheese. Mix well and pour into the casserole dish. Sprinkle cheese on top and bake at 375 for 30 minutes. Serve hot as main dish.
Makes 6 servings

Lentil & Brown Rice Casserole

I did everything as the recipe said but I added in a zucchini and a squash. I want some more veggie to it so I had to add two of my faves! It turned out really good but one thing I will do next time, add more spice! I do not feel like there was enough spice as I ate it. It didn’t come through very well. So make sure you add some extra in when making it. 

I had to cut it up to show you the inside {and eat!}
Also, I will most likely cut it in half next time I make it because it is only me and my mom in the house. This is not something my brother would even try. He eats like crap. He hates anything green. He is lucky he has the drive to stick to his workout routine!
But overall, I was happy with this new dish and it will go into my recipe box!

Before I started my little cooking adventure, I threw some coconut oil onto my hair! This is my absolute favorite thing to do for my hair. It makes it feel like I just went to a salon and got some sort of deep conditioning treatment. Because I have naturally curly hair, I have naturally dry hair. I got a nice fresh hair cut today so I felt like this was a good opportunity for me to do my mask. 

Those white chunks are just unmelted coconut oil.

I am alone tonight {and tomorrow night} because my mom ran off to good ‘ol Vernon Texas to see her dad. They will be attending my cousin’s 8th grade graduation tomorrow evening. When she got to her dad’s house I got the most adorable picture ever. 

Meet Lacey.

Lacey May - Mini Australian Shepard
 This is her summer hair cut. She rocks it.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I Am A Slacker

Let’s be honest, I have been terrible at being a consistent blogger but I am going to try and do better and maybe if I add this into my planner I will do a better job.

For Memorial Day weekend, I went to see my dad and step-mom with my brother and his fiancĂ©. The drive is about 5 hours. It is a pretty drive because I get to see green grass and pretty trees but it sure is a long drive. I don’t enjoy making the drive but my soon to be sister-in-law wanted to meet my dad before the wedding. I think she got more than she bargained for when me and my step-mom got into it and I walked out of the room. Ain’t nobody gonna talk about my momma. 

I happily made the drive home on Sunday. The best part was lunch at Rosa’s in Abilene. I tapped into my inner fat girl and ate way too much. I should never go there unless it is my only meal of the day because I think I probably blow my whole day with that one meal.. Like I said “inner fat girl”.
On Monday, my mom and I made White Chili and took it over to my brother’s house to help my sister-in-law finish up her wedding invitations and get them into the envelopes and stamped. It wasn’t fun, my back was killing me, but it was done. 

Today.. well today has been rough. I didn’t sleep very well because I have had terrible back pain the last few days. My job doesn’t require much work {which is why I will be applying for full time} so I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open. I have to try and find work for myself but today I just didn’t have any. I guess I am just too darn good at my job. But after lunch I did go and get my back adjusted and it helped some but it isn’t a fix for me. It is temporary relief but I will take what I can get right now. 

Before I go, check out my new snack bag I found!

Notice my Milton stapler next to my snack bag.

I may even double post today to make up for my lack of!
Until next time!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Well Poo

Well poo {see what I did there}, my spray bottles that I used are complete crap. I guess that is what I get for buying the cheapest spray bottles I could find.
My shower this morning was a disaster. I had to basically pour this mixture onto my hair which was a huge waste. My hair felt pretty good after washing. It didn't have the super silky feeling I am use to after using my protein mask type conditioner but it worked. My curls look pretty awesome today. Maybe it was luck, maybe it was the new hair routine – I will know in a few weeks!
I had to run to the store for some salad stuff for lunch so I picked up some more spray bottles from Walmart. Only ONE of those little bastards worked. Seriously? Am I just too dumb to work a spray bottle? I may just give up and buy the bottles used in the beauty shops for color application. Maybe I can figure that out!
I am also going to start doing a weekly coconut oil hair treatment. I love the way it makes my hair feel but I just forget about it. I need to plan ahead and make sure I write this on my calendar so I know I am making time for it!
If you have never tried this before, I highly suggest it! All you need is some coconut oil and a clip. I smother my hair in that awesome oil and then wrap it up in a bun and clip it! I leave mine on for as long as possible. Maybe do some light cleaning or dishes. I have read about some people using heat but I do not want to stand there and hold a blow dryer. Call me lazy. But my poor little arms get so tired. I will admit it, I am weak. My arms never were strong. Even when I was in great shape.

This weekend my mom and I are finishing up some bathroom face lifts. Because I did not start this blog until after I had already started this little DIY adventure, I do not have before pictures. But I will post some pictures when it is all fixed up and try to find some old ones that we took before the previous owners ever moved out.
Her bathroom had a terribly ugly texture so we tried to cover it up to the best of our ability with some joint compound. I think I put on three different coats! Totally worth the time and effort. It looks pretty darn good and I am not even done yet.
We decided to leave the cabinet doors off because it is a very small bathroom and it makes it look so much more open and spacious. We will be running over to Home Goods {I will control myself, I will not go broke, I will not buy the whole store} to look for some cute baskets to go into the open cabinets.
Maybe I will get lucky and we can go get a manicure and pedicure because, boy, do I need some good ‘ol beautification!
And I can’t wait to have some mommy/daughter time! You will quickly learn I am a huge momma’s girl and I always have been. She is my rock and I really don’t know what I would do without her. 

  Me and Mom

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Is this a good idea? Sure!

I have thought long and hard about starting this blog and honestly I am still unsure about it but I am going to try it and see what happens. 
This will not be a blog about anything in particular. My brain tends to be a jumbled  mess so you can just expect that from this blog. 
At some point it may become a more specific blog but for now, expect the mess :) 

Something you may find interesting about me, I am a court reporting student {hence the name of the blog}. I am currently in my second year of court reporting school. I started out in a school out of Dallas, TX but switched when I did not feel like I was getting the support I needed. I am now attending an online school which is located in Hobart, Indiana. I am head over heels in love with this school. Live classes, supportive teachers, friendly classmates {not to say I didn't meet some awesome people at my Dallas school}, awesome guidance! I am just working my way up to 225 words per minute, one stroke at a time. *TWSS*

I am going to try something new with my crazy, wild, curly hair. If you have ever heard of No-Poo then you are a step ahead. No-Poo is basically a different way to wash your hair without stripping it of all the natural oils your scalp produces. 
This video below is a great explanation and a how to for those of you that would like to try this out. 

Keep in mind, I am new to this whole blogging thing but I am going to try to keep up with how my hair does with this new method. I hate having to wash my hair every day and my curls have just turned to a flat mess lately. 

So here goes nothing with this new adventure!