Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I Am A Slacker

Let’s be honest, I have been terrible at being a consistent blogger but I am going to try and do better and maybe if I add this into my planner I will do a better job.

For Memorial Day weekend, I went to see my dad and step-mom with my brother and his fiancé. The drive is about 5 hours. It is a pretty drive because I get to see green grass and pretty trees but it sure is a long drive. I don’t enjoy making the drive but my soon to be sister-in-law wanted to meet my dad before the wedding. I think she got more than she bargained for when me and my step-mom got into it and I walked out of the room. Ain’t nobody gonna talk about my momma. 

I happily made the drive home on Sunday. The best part was lunch at Rosa’s in Abilene. I tapped into my inner fat girl and ate way too much. I should never go there unless it is my only meal of the day because I think I probably blow my whole day with that one meal.. Like I said “inner fat girl”.
On Monday, my mom and I made White Chili and took it over to my brother’s house to help my sister-in-law finish up her wedding invitations and get them into the envelopes and stamped. It wasn’t fun, my back was killing me, but it was done. 

Today.. well today has been rough. I didn’t sleep very well because I have had terrible back pain the last few days. My job doesn’t require much work {which is why I will be applying for full time} so I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open. I have to try and find work for myself but today I just didn’t have any. I guess I am just too darn good at my job. But after lunch I did go and get my back adjusted and it helped some but it isn’t a fix for me. It is temporary relief but I will take what I can get right now. 

Before I go, check out my new snack bag I found!

Notice my Milton stapler next to my snack bag.

I may even double post today to make up for my lack of!
Until next time!

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