Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Is this a good idea? Sure!

I have thought long and hard about starting this blog and honestly I am still unsure about it but I am going to try it and see what happens. 
This will not be a blog about anything in particular. My brain tends to be a jumbled  mess so you can just expect that from this blog. 
At some point it may become a more specific blog but for now, expect the mess :) 

Something you may find interesting about me, I am a court reporting student {hence the name of the blog}. I am currently in my second year of court reporting school. I started out in a school out of Dallas, TX but switched when I did not feel like I was getting the support I needed. I am now attending an online school which is located in Hobart, Indiana. I am head over heels in love with this school. Live classes, supportive teachers, friendly classmates {not to say I didn't meet some awesome people at my Dallas school}, awesome guidance! I am just working my way up to 225 words per minute, one stroke at a time. *TWSS*

I am going to try something new with my crazy, wild, curly hair. If you have ever heard of No-Poo then you are a step ahead. No-Poo is basically a different way to wash your hair without stripping it of all the natural oils your scalp produces. 
This video below is a great explanation and a how to for those of you that would like to try this out. 

Keep in mind, I am new to this whole blogging thing but I am going to try to keep up with how my hair does with this new method. I hate having to wash my hair every day and my curls have just turned to a flat mess lately. 

So here goes nothing with this new adventure!

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