Monday, July 15, 2013

The Best Tortilla Soup. Ever.

For starters, to make this delicious soup I had to run to the store FOUR times. Yes, you read that right. I still have vacation brain I guess. After work {I only work part time at this point}, I took a little nap or a horizontal life pause as I like to call them.

After my awesome nap, I ran to pick something up for my mother and then headed to the store. 
I hate Walmart. I cannot get in and out without seeing at least two people that I know. Never fails. 
So I start out at HEB. I have my list {I do not go to the store without a list} and the store is ridiculously crowded. I live in Oil Field Country and our small little West Texas town just can't keep up with the growth that is hitting us. So I am overwhelmed with the amount of people shuffling around me and I am on a mission to get in and out. And then while in the produce section, I run into someone I know. Of course! I love her to death so it was okay to chat and see her but it threw me off  and I left without my onion. Boo.
So I didn't want to go back into only other choice was the dreadful Walmart! Get there and get my onion and some peaches that looked so amazing and then head home. 

Once I am home I start to set out all of my ingredients because that is just the way I like to cook. Get it all out so I am not searching for it while in the middle of cooking. 
Now as I set everything out, I realize I didn't just forget an onion.. I forgot the best part of the soup. The zucchini. :( 

At this point I am already craving this soup so bad there is not turning back, so off I go into the world of crazy people running around the store. 
I go to HEB first and, of course, no zucchini. But I saw some delicious looking bananas and well.. I bought them! 
At Walmart I got away with my three zucchini! There were only 5 left in the entire store. I just got lucky that time! 

Now for the best tortilla soup you will ever make. 

First thing, fill your wine glass.

Also from my vacation. Local winery in Salida, Colorado. Delicious wine!


1 T butter
1 t olive oil
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 medium onion, chopped
4 boneless skinless chicken breasts, cubed
3 limes, juiced
2 cans chicken broth
1 can tomato soup 
2 cans diced tomatoes
1 can Rotel tomatoes
Salt and pepper, to taste
1 t cumin
1 t chili powder
1 t tabasco
2-3 zucchini, diced


Cheese, we prefer the mexican blend
Avocado slices

Saute onion, garlic, and chicken in butter and olive oil until chicken is cooked through.

 Add the remaining ingredients and simmer for about an hour.

This is how I assemble my bowl - I ladle in my soup and top it with the chips, avocado, and cheese. 
Stir it up and ENJOY!

I hope you love the soup. This is what I would consider a staple in our house. Overall, it isn't an unhealthy dish but it sure is hard to stop eating! I have to tell myself "Moderation is key" when eating this awesome soup! 

I have to show off my new favorite kitchen gadget I got from my all time favorite kitchen store. The store is called The Mixing Bowl and it is located in Salida, Colorado. A beautiful place to go if you are looking for a place for family vacation! 
I hate peeling garlic. But I love love love garlic. I mean I am surprised I don't eat it whole, alone. This bad boy gadget makes me love peeling the garlic! 

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