Thursday, April 25, 2013

Well Poo

Well poo {see what I did there}, my spray bottles that I used are complete crap. I guess that is what I get for buying the cheapest spray bottles I could find.
My shower this morning was a disaster. I had to basically pour this mixture onto my hair which was a huge waste. My hair felt pretty good after washing. It didn't have the super silky feeling I am use to after using my protein mask type conditioner but it worked. My curls look pretty awesome today. Maybe it was luck, maybe it was the new hair routine – I will know in a few weeks!
I had to run to the store for some salad stuff for lunch so I picked up some more spray bottles from Walmart. Only ONE of those little bastards worked. Seriously? Am I just too dumb to work a spray bottle? I may just give up and buy the bottles used in the beauty shops for color application. Maybe I can figure that out!
I am also going to start doing a weekly coconut oil hair treatment. I love the way it makes my hair feel but I just forget about it. I need to plan ahead and make sure I write this on my calendar so I know I am making time for it!
If you have never tried this before, I highly suggest it! All you need is some coconut oil and a clip. I smother my hair in that awesome oil and then wrap it up in a bun and clip it! I leave mine on for as long as possible. Maybe do some light cleaning or dishes. I have read about some people using heat but I do not want to stand there and hold a blow dryer. Call me lazy. But my poor little arms get so tired. I will admit it, I am weak. My arms never were strong. Even when I was in great shape.

This weekend my mom and I are finishing up some bathroom face lifts. Because I did not start this blog until after I had already started this little DIY adventure, I do not have before pictures. But I will post some pictures when it is all fixed up and try to find some old ones that we took before the previous owners ever moved out.
Her bathroom had a terribly ugly texture so we tried to cover it up to the best of our ability with some joint compound. I think I put on three different coats! Totally worth the time and effort. It looks pretty darn good and I am not even done yet.
We decided to leave the cabinet doors off because it is a very small bathroom and it makes it look so much more open and spacious. We will be running over to Home Goods {I will control myself, I will not go broke, I will not buy the whole store} to look for some cute baskets to go into the open cabinets.
Maybe I will get lucky and we can go get a manicure and pedicure because, boy, do I need some good ‘ol beautification!
And I can’t wait to have some mommy/daughter time! You will quickly learn I am a huge momma’s girl and I always have been. She is my rock and I really don’t know what I would do without her. 

  Me and Mom

1 comment:

  1. I wanna try the coconut oil thing! If I ever have time.. ha! I miss Home Goods :( The only time we go is when we're in Dallas. Boo!
