Monday, June 10, 2013

Homework & Pesky Birds

So for those who don't know me, I was in court reporting school up until just recently. I loved it! It was something I honestly never got tired of. But because of my back, I could not physically do the job once I graduated. I was typing at about 120 words per minute on a stenograph machine and the longer my takes (recorded material you type from) the more pain I would feel. To graduate from school, you have to type 225 words per minute. I had a ways to go obviously, but I just had to face reality and stop throwing money { a LOT of money} into a degree I would never be able to use. I still have a hard time with this.
But here I am now! I am finishing up my last class to have my Associates degree and I have no idea where I am going from here. 
I am taking English 1302. It is a summer course so it is a lot of work condensed into one month. When I say a lot of work I mean I am doing an in depth discussion question and a quiz every day plus my first essay paper. All in one week. 
Because I did not have traditional college courses in CR school, I feel like I forgot everything I ever knew about English. Analytical essays, point of view, style, blah, blah, blah. I am already sick of it because, let's be honest, I will never ever use this crap. Teach me some grammar. Teach me punctuation. Give me something I am going to use. I will never read a book and care what the style of it was after college. I will never wonder what point of view the author used. I will enjoy the book and not take it apart word for word.
I keep telling myself that it is just one month. Work hard for one month and make a good grade and you will be done. Deep breaths!
Then I can stress about what to do next. I will get a Bachelors. I just don't know what it will be in. 

So my herbs I have been attempting to grow on my back patio are now bird snacks. Those little birds think I am growing these herbs for their eating pleasure. I am not. I am just annoyed that they won't stop eating them. 
I found a cool project I may try at some point that will keep those pesky animals away from my herbs. Hopefully I won't fail miserably with the project! As much as I would love to do it now, I have school, my brother's wedding, work, and the gym. Maybe after my brother's wedding and our family vacation, I will get on it!